You must think, one great thing about living over here would be not having to file your taxes right? You would be wrong. Even if you are an ex-pat living overseas, the US requires you to file your taxes on an annual basis even if you do not earn enough to pay taxes. You also get a 2 month extension to turn it in.
I find the forms a bit confusing because it always comes out that they should pay me a refund even though I haven't paid in and because the taxes are so high in the UK. Here is a link the London IRS and has other useful information should you choose to stay here.
So hoping you get your taxes in on time and good luck!
All the Best!
American to Britain
I find the forms a bit confusing because it always comes out that they should pay me a refund even though I haven't paid in and because the taxes are so high in the UK. Here is a link the London IRS and has other useful information should you choose to stay here.
So hoping you get your taxes in on time and good luck!
All the Best!
American to Britain