Blue Peter is a children's television show on the BBC that has been running sing 1958. It caters to children between 5-8 years old.
Children can write in and participate in certain events in order to obtain a coveted Blue Peter badge. My first experience with this was when we had "show and tell" at Brownies and I got to hold the Blue Peter badge.
I thought it was interesting so I thought I would share what one is. It is good show to get your children involved in if you are here. I think that even the hubby has a Blue Peter badge.
There are different level of badges and if you are a recipient of a Blue Peter badge, you also get a card that allows you to get in free to over 200 attractions.
It is more than just a show, it shows children how to do crafts, toy reviews and gives books awards. It is very educational and very much apart of the makeup of British Childhood.
All the Best!
American to Britain
Children can write in and participate in certain events in order to obtain a coveted Blue Peter badge. My first experience with this was when we had "show and tell" at Brownies and I got to hold the Blue Peter badge.
I thought it was interesting so I thought I would share what one is. It is good show to get your children involved in if you are here. I think that even the hubby has a Blue Peter badge.
There are different level of badges and if you are a recipient of a Blue Peter badge, you also get a card that allows you to get in free to over 200 attractions.
It is more than just a show, it shows children how to do crafts, toy reviews and gives books awards. It is very educational and very much apart of the makeup of British Childhood.
All the Best!
American to Britain