Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson

Anyone that has been to sightsee in London has probably seen Trafalgar Square and the 18 foot statue of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Horatio Nelson on top of Nelson's column. But do you know who he is or why he is so revered in England?

Nelson grew up in Norfolk, a son of a clergyman. When he was twleve, he went into the Navy. He took part in many campaigns, the ship he was on took part in the War of Independence. 

Nelson was someone who myths and legends are about. He lost the sight in his right eye but continued to sail in the Navy. But this was not all that he suffered with but amazingly Nelson came off as the kind of guy that did not complain much and 'just got on with it'. A few of the other conditions that he endured were malaria and scurvy. 

Nelson is rumored to have gone back to fight within four hours of the loss of his right arm.

He won the Battle of the Nile against Napoleon and his forces.

Sadly, Nelson died October 22, 1805 in the Battle of Trafalgar. His shipmates put him in a barrel of brandy so that he could have a State Funeral and is buried at St Paul's Cathedral.

Trafalgar Square was built in 1820 to honor one of the greatest British Empire's heroes.

All the Best!

American to Britain
